My Teeth and My Diet
Tooth decay leads to fillings or even extractions as a result of tooth decay. When sugar interacts with plaque bacteria, degradation happens. Acids are produced, which harm the teeth and erode the enamel. When this happens frequently, the enamel on the teeth might erode, resulting in a hole or ‘cavity’ in the dentine. As a result, the tooth will decay more quickly.
What foods can cause decay?
Sugar has the ability to induce tooth decay in everyone. Sugar comes in many different ways. Sugars can be found in a variety of compounds that end in ‘ose,’ such as sucrose, fructose, and glucose, to mention a few. All of these sweets are potentially harmful to your teeth.
Many processed foods contain sugar, and the higher it appears in the ingredient list, the more sugar is in the product. Always examine the ingredient list on the label before buying food.
Keep in mind that the phrase “no added sugar” does not always imply that the product is sugar-free. It just implies that no additional sugar has been added. These goods may include sugars similar to those listed above, or the sugars may be categorised as ‘carbohydrates.’ If you’re unsure, talk to your dentist.
Why is a healthy diet important?
After you eat or drink something sugary, your teeth are attacked by acid for up to an hour. Dangerous acids are created when sugar mixes with microorganisms in plaque (the sticky coating on your teeth). As a result, it’s crucial to limit sugary meals or beverages to mealtimes to limit the amount of time your tongue is exposed.
Acidic foods and beverages might do just as much harm. The acid eats away at the enamel, exposing the dentine beneath. As a result, your teeth may become painful and unsightly.
A diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and fresh fruits and vegetables can help prevent gum disease. Gum disease can result in tooth loss and poor breath.
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Rouse Hill Smiles Dental Care
G07-G08 2, 4 Aberdour Ave, Rouse Hill NSW 2155, Australia