What Should You Expect From Your First Dental Visit?
1 min readJun 14, 2022
If you are considering getting braces, it’s important to understand what to expect from your first dentist North Kellyville visit. Here are some key points:
- You will need to schedule an appointment.
- You will need to bring a picture of your teeth for comparison.
- You will need to provide your dentist with a recent X-ray or scan if you have one.
- You should expect a completion date of between 10 and 12 weeks.
- You will need to keep your mouth closed while in the mouth piece, which may take some adjustment at first.
- Braces are not always permanent, but you will need to wear them for at least six months after your treatment is completed.
- Braces can be removed if you aren’t satisfied with the results anymore or if you need to have more work done on your teeth or gums (removable braces).
- The cost of braces varies from state to state and depends on the dental plan that you have or are eligible for, so it’s important to know what options are available to you before starting treatment.
Rouse Hill Smiles Dental Care
G07-G08 2, 4 Aberdour Ave, Rouse Hill NSW 2155, Australia